The risks I took and the fears I had
Its all nothing against your worth
The joy you give and the smile you bring
Your arms around me and the moments we shared
You and me against the world
The distance between us
The lonesome each time we go apart
I wont regret as everything is worth enduring for
I live with fears, that one day you maybe gone
When my life is in your hand and my happiness is in your love
But I wont regret my love as you’ve given me your best
If one day I get hurt, if it happen that I fail
I will still be thankful
For somehow you made me believe in love
I will not succumb in pain
When I die, I wont be regretful
My life went meaningful, you made it complete
You gave me love, more than I deserve
I could wish for perpetuity, but I wont regret.
No, no regrets.
When you live, expect death
And in love, there will be pain
For every hope, there is a fear behind
Don’t regret , all the things are meant to be.
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu`on M`a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M`est Bien Egal
C`est Paye, Balaye, Oublie, Je Me Fous Du Passe
Avec Mes Souvenirs J`ai Allume Le Feu
Mes Shagrins, Mes Plaisirs,
Je N`ai Plus Besoin D`eux
Balaye Les Amours Avec Leurs Tremolos
Balaye Pour Toujours
Je Reparas A Zero
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu`on M`a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M`est Bien Egal
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Car Ma Vie, Car Me Joies
Aujourd`hui Ca Commence Avec Toi Non Je Ne Regrette Rien