Saturday, April 18, 2009


This is an idea from nowhere. When sometimes you are relaxing on a lazy afternoon, or busy beating a deadline, sometimes when you are simply asleep and suddenly you wake up with the noises that’s irritating your brain, your mind is just too busy with ideas... this is where it is coming from and this is how it started.

Most of the time I am tired of writing about things, I had my blog site that is waiting to be updated. I only write there when I am feeling a celebrity, when I want to write about myself and what I feel, sometimes just my artistic and poetic expression. This time is more serious. With things that I get from lectures and never-ending reading of journals and articles and simply just my busy mind observing almost everything that is covered by my senses. That is me, a curious and out-of-the box thinking creature.

As I love my passion with arts and paintings in which this website is originally intended for, I am including personal reflections, maybe some interesting course works and just a daily opinion about things around to cover my business side, well marketing in particular. It is about me, what I am, and what I can do.

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