Writing this blog took me more than a month. I know what I wanna write but i dont know how. Ideas were flooding in my mind but it was too many that I always end up with confusion. I wasnt sure if I would end up with a sensible piece for this so I was keeping it in my saved drafts for the longest time. I cannot think of another creative way to present but the idea is about "wanting who I cannot hardly have and hating who are wanting me".
I've been asking this question eversince, why is that the things that you are craving for are so hard to get when those that are abundant within your reach seems not interesting at all. It is a human nature to hardly satisfy his fullfilment. We tend to ask for the simplest thing when along the way we would ask for something better, and end up with aiming for the most and this is becoming a natural cycle. In a brighter light, we call it human nature's longing for continous advancement.

I remember a movie released earlier this year, I guess the last movie I've seen (sorry, im not really a movie fanatic, but im an art patron). It was TRISTAN & ISOLDE - a very traditional, medieval and romeo & juliet type, yet artistically, well-done.
Not mentioning the cinematography and other technical aspect, the story is indeed a true-to-life reflection of our present lives. Tristan have to be rescued by a stranger (Isolde) whom he would attach himself to and vise versa. The union of their souls are challenged by the world around them that they have to sacrifiice their own happiness for the sake of many. If only one is able to fake his feelings and turn it for real, and go for something that wouldnt make himself happy and undoubtedly accept it as if it was his longing... and love someone he doesnt really like and take it as if it is the true love that his soul is wanting - then the world will have to loose at least half of its hurtings and pain.
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